Participez à notre #FeuilleDeRoutePourLaReprise
en vous joignant aux occasions suivantes et en donnant votre avis :
U-Report Canada
UNICEF Canada recherche des jeunes pour aider à modifier les politiques publiques du Canada. Il s’agit d’une occasion rêvée pour contribuer aux changements que vous souhaitez pour le Canada.
U-Report est une plateforme de sondage numérique confidentielle et gratuite, ouverte à toute personne âgée de 13 à 24 ans. Répondez à des sondages sur des problématiques qui vous touchent de près et donnez votre avis.
Cliquez sur l’image pour vous inscrire à U-Report!
Livret stratégique Ré-imagine
Lisez les recommandations des jeunes concernant le racisme systémique, la santé mentale, l’éducation, le changement climatique, la démocratie et la souveraineté autochtone pour un avenir meilleur après la COVID-19.
Cliquez sur l’image ci-dessous pour voir le livret stratégique.
#CWW Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: #CanadaWeWant Agenda 2030 is focused on leveraging our national youth network to bring awareness to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Through national and regional workshops, We seek to bring awareness, educate, and gather youth input on how Canadians should best organize to achieve the SDGs. Youth and organizations interested in organizing a workshop or committing participants can reach out to kwaku@studentscommission.ca for more info.
Nobody's Born A Racist 2.0 Speaker Series: The Nobody's Born a Racist (NBR) Speaker Series is a 12-month project that engages over 600 Canadian youth aged 12-29 in a national movement to combat systemic racism. Youth will work with experts, share their experiences dealing with racism, act and provide recommendations to decision makers. The innovative speaker series will engage Canadian youth from coast-to-coast-to-coast in a 360 educational opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the importance of anti-racism education, addressing structural inequities in society, healing and supports for radicalized communities. The NBR Speaker Series will spotlight 12 influential figures that are academics, speakers, Students Commission alumni ,educators, youth, and organizational leaders that will lead several relevant conversations on racism. We are in the process of recruiting for our Editorial Board of youth who will be leading and advising this process. Youth interested in getting involved can reach out to rachel@studentscommission.ca
#CWW Facilitator Roster: The #CanadaWeWant Facilitator roster is a group of 40+ youth from every province and territory who support our national youth network activities through the design, organization and delivery of #CWW workshops and Flagships programming, providing input on our Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement work, support Sharing The Stories and more. June 16th, 2021 will be when the first cohort meets for the last time and we're in the process of recruiting for cohort 2.0. Youth interested in being a member of the facilitator roster can reach out to mowahib@studentscommission.ca